Friday, February 5, 2016
Monday, June 1, 2015
multimedijalni ambijent
- Breda Beban i Hrvoje Horvatic (RIP), (Zagreb, London) postavili su video instalaciju u Salonu galerije (uz posebno osvjetljenje vanjskim reflektorom s dvorisne strane), te slike manjih formata Brede Beban, neposredno pod stropom Salona;
- Vlasta Delimar izlozila je zidnu instalaciju
- Vlado Martek (Zagreb), izradio konceptualni rad
- Raša Todosijevic (Beograd), izradio konceptualni rad
- Rajko Svilar (Slav. Brod, Rovinj), postavio zidne skulpture
Ambijentalnu zvucnu rock improvizaciju izveli su njemacki glazbenik i producent sa zagrebackom adresom Tomo in der Muhlen (gitara) i zagrebacki glazbenik Tomislav Brezicevic (bubnjevi).
/Amaterska snimka/
Kamerman: Tomislav Zupan
Saturday, November 15, 2014
korowa bar
kolaz potjece s izlozbe Jabuka-noc muzeja,a originalno preuzet s prijateljskog nam sajta:,301,0,0,1,0
2 live izvedbe iz Kulusica s pocetka 80-ih,tocnije 1982:
sacuvajmo od zaborava.,301,0,0,1,0
2 live izvedbe iz Kulusica s pocetka 80-ih,tocnije 1982:
sacuvajmo od zaborava.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Searching for the Wrong-Eyed Jesus is a 2004 BBC documentary film starring Jim White. The film is about the American South. Commissioned by the BBC,it documents the intersection of country music and Christianity in the United States. It was inspired by White's similarly titled album The Mysterious Tale of How I Shouted Wrong-Eyed Jesus. The film was directed and photographed by Andrew Douglas, written by Steve Haisman, and edited by Michael Elliot. It was executive-produced by Steve Golin and Anthony Wall. It features the music of Jim White, Johnny Dowd, The Handsome Family, David Eugene Edwards of 16 Horsepower, Rev. Gary Howlington, The Singing Hall Sisters, David Johansen, Melissa Swingle and Lee Sexton. It also features the author Harry Crews.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Recorded from its premiere play on Monday, Feb. 13, 2012, on Steve Lamacq's show on BBC 6 Music
"Back in 2009, John Lydon started touring with a reconstituted version of his legendary postpunk group Public Image Ltd. And on 4/21, Record Store Day, they'll return with a new vinyl EP, their first new studio material since 1992. "One Drop,"does a pretty good job simulating the fearsome reggae-inflicted sound of PiL's older records.
Set for release April 21 2012"
Friday, December 2, 2011
Songs for Drella is a concept album by Lou Reed and John Cale, both formerly of The Velvet Underground.
On January 9, 1989 Cale and Reed performed a selection of Songs for Drella at The Church of St. Anne's in Brooklyn. The first full version was played on November 29–30, and December 2–3 at the Next Wave Festival at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. On the last date they were joined onstage by Maureen Tucker for the encore of "Pale Blue Eyes".
It was released in 1990 by Sire Records. A live performance—without an audience—at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, directed by Ed Lachman, was filmed on December 6, 1989 and released on VHS and laserdisc formats.
The album is the pair's first collaboration since 1972, and is dedicated to the memory of Andy Warhol,
Monday, October 31, 2011
Karlovac Calling
opschirniji bio na:
bilo je to proljeca 1981
Saturday, October 15, 2011

da,The Sugarcubes u Osijeku 1989 ili ovo sam sazno prije par dana,dok se za ovo pricalo cak i u Brodu pred sam rat:
Trebali su imati koncert u osječkom
skucu, ali nismo imali 500 dm,
pa je za 300 nastupila Björk. No,
ionako, gitaru niti ne drži, a njega
drže zviježđa lightshowa, očito
prijeteći prevelika, napomenula mu je Kim-radi se o bendu Nirvana.
odlican katalog,iako bi vische volio da se autor pozabavio samo domacom-lokalnom scenom,no razmem autora i njegov (skitam se i snimam) uradak
opschirnije na:
Thursday, September 15, 2011
jedino mjesto na netu di se moze skinit ovaj gornji soundtrack: - many thanks !!
p.s.ripano s kazete,stilski jako raznovrsna i prije svega raritetna kompilacija/soundtrack
Thursday, September 1, 2011

True Stories is an American film that spans the genres of musical, art, and comedy, directed by and starring David Byrne of the band Talking Heads. It co-stars John Goodman, Swoosie Kurtz, and Spalding Gray. Byrne has described the film as, "A project with songs based on true stories from tabloid newspapers. It's like 60 Minutes on acid."
True Stories was released by Warner Bros. in the US, Canada and Sweden in 1986, with limited release elsewhere the following year. Byrne was given much creative control over the motion picture's direction, largely due to the mainstream success of Talking Heads' 1984 concert film, Stop Making Sense.
The majority of the film's music is supplied by Talking Heads
p.s.drugi set linkova je ok
Friday, July 1, 2011

Recorded live at Dom Sportova,Zagreb,Croatia on 15 April 1990
01. Zagreb (incomplete) (Smith/Schofield) 1:22
02. And Therein (Smith/Beddington) 2:54
03. Carry Bag Man (Smith) 4:48
04. Sing Harpy (Smith/Beddington) 3:46
05. I'm Frank (Scanlon/Smith) 2:57
06. Telephone Thing (Black/More/Smith) 4:49
07. Hillary (Smith) 2:19
08. Hit The North (Rogers, Smith, ME/Smith, B) 3:24
09. Bill Is Dead (Scanlon/Smith) 4:47
10. Black Monk Theme (The Monks) 4:09
11. Tuff Life Boogie (Smith, ME/Smith, B/Hanley, S) 2:38
12. Popcorn Double Feature (English/Weiss) 4:04
Mark E Smith - vocals
Martin Bramah - guitar, vocals
Craig Scanlon - guitar
Steve Hanley - bass
Simon Wolstencroft - drums
Marcia Schofield - keyboards
Track 11 is in fact Dead Beat Descendant on the CD
refleksn blogspot-wanted dead or alive link !!