Sunday, April 6, 2008

kvik pik-Equus

Sidney Lumet directed this film version of Peter Shaffer’s dramatic play, transforming theatrical symbolism into cinematic realism. Richard Burton received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor for his performance as Martin Dysert, a psychiatrist determined to unravel the disturbed mind of Alan Strang (Peter Firth), a young stableboy. In a fit of rage, Strang has blinded a stable of six horses. The court then assigns Dysert to probe the young man's mind in order to understand why he committed such a violent act. But the doctor, who is battling demons of his own, wonders if he can save the boy--and whether saving him at all is the right thing to do. Joan Plowright stands out as Dora Strang, the young boy's mother.
-to kako ljudski mozak moze ispucat je samo mali dio onog sto ga cini zanimljivim..kako se radja ta ispucanost,kako sazivljava ta ispucanost i naravno kako zavrsava (samo jedan u moru primjera) te ispucanosti mozete pogledat u ovom filmu..
film sam prvi put pogledo prije nekih 5 godina,a zanimljivo je to da mi je gledajuci film prvi flesbek bila kultna emisija koja se bavila filmskim ostvarenjima onog vremena bila (kino-oko) znam zbog ceg,ali mislim da su jedne prilike prikazivali i diskutirali upravo ovaj film..i sad kad sjednem ovako i malo se zamislim,jednostavno ne mogu vjerovat da se mogu sjetit tako nekih sad vec gotovo 25 godina starih stvari..memorija je cudna stvar !!
stari mi je uvijek znao rec,P.ti materina,ono sto trebas da zapamtis ne mozes,a gluposti zapamtis u sekundi,i stvarno je to tako :-)


Blogger Unknown said...

I remember vaguely to have see the movie, the first one, no idea of the year (ok, 1977. Wow, I saw it at the Kino Museum and it was... in my memory quite good !)

alain, Brussels, Belgium

July 17, 2008 at 6:22 AM  

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