sling blade-ost
The score is rich and ambient, featuring Lanois's heavily-processed guitar and the help of a few extraordinary players (mentor Brian Eno, jazz drummer Brian Blade, Emmylou Harris). It's complemented by tunes by country singer Bambi Lee Savage, Booker T. & The MGs, and the rock band Local H (covering Guided By Voices' "Smothered in Hugs"). Also included is "The Maker," which first appeared on Lanois's 1989 solo album ACADIE. It's a churning, funky update of the homegrown spiritualism perfected by the Band in the 1960s, and it closes the album on a hopeful note. (oko 250MB)
jedan od onih soundtrack-a koji bi se trebo nac u fonoteci svakog iole vrijednog stovatelja/poznavatelja dobre glazbe..
kako nam se blize bozicni i novogodisnji blagdani,a i sa samom cinjenicom da s ovim postom zavrsavamo/privodimo kraju 2010-tu,urednistvo ovog bloga svim svojim vjernim citateljima zeli sve najbolje tijekom 2011.zivi,zdravi,sretni mi bili,a za sve ostalo se ne vrijedi uopce zamarat..cheers !!
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