mbv-you made me realise
bend koji je izbacio 2 albuma i 10 mini albuma,i cije albume je vrlo tesko pronac na netu..ovaj put postavljam njihov 7-mi po redu EP..
ukratko o bendu:
My Bloody Valentine was an Irish-British rock band best known for their creative use of guitar distortion, tremolo, and digital reverb who were considered to be at the forefront of the shoegazing movement. Sharing their name with that of a Canadian slasher film, they formed in 1984 in Dublin and continued into the early 1990s. The founding members were guitarist/singer Kevin Shields and drummer Colm O'Ciosoig. The band's lineup during their heyday also included singer-guitarist Bilinda Butcher and bassist Debbie Googe http://www.gigasize.com/get.php/438445/MBV.You.Made.Me.Realise.www.stayfree.blogspot.com.rar
ukratko o bendu:
My Bloody Valentine was an Irish-British rock band best known for their creative use of guitar distortion, tremolo, and digital reverb who were considered to be at the forefront of the shoegazing movement. Sharing their name with that of a Canadian slasher film, they formed in 1984 in Dublin and continued into the early 1990s. The founding members were guitarist/singer Kevin Shields and drummer Colm O'Ciosoig. The band's lineup during their heyday also included singer-guitarist Bilinda Butcher and bassist Debbie Googe http://www.gigasize.com/get.php/438445/MBV.You.Made.Me.Realise.www.stayfree.blogspot.com.rar
welcome and tx men
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